What You Can Do
This page gives you ideas asbout what you can do to facilitate pradigm change.
School leaders
Other individuals
Federal/state goverments and foundations
More Ideas?
If you have more ideas what you can do to facilitate pradigm change, please share them below.
What school leaders can do
Discuss paradigm change with other leaders
Form a district-wide Leadership Team (or if private or charter school, form a school-wide leadership team) to develop a shared vision; then have schools at highest levels of readiness for a school-wide LT to elaborate their version of the district vision.
What other individuals can do
Discuss paradigm change with others
Form a local citizens/parents group to work with school leaders
1. Develop technological tools.
“Prime the pump” to spur private investment in technological tools.
“Prime the pump” to spur user development of open-source software.
2. Pilot best practices.
Charter schools have the systemic independence from a school district to undergo a paradigm change without a school district’s old-paradigm structures working against them.
Charter schools encounter two costs associated with paradigm change: 1) installing the new paradigm (costs of tools and professional development), and 2) improving the new paradigm with R&D that moves it up its S-curve of development.
Charter schools must include all grade levels to span the entire preschool-to-12 process of local public education.
P-12 charter schools should receive federal support, on a competitive basis, to research and develop improvements in their tools and practices, so that those advancements can make it easier and quicker for regular public schools to transform themselves to the learning-focused paradigm.
3. Build states' capacity to facilitate paradigm change.
School districts lack both the expertise and the resources to engage in paradigm change.
States should be the primary agents in helping school districts to transform themselves to the new paradigm.
States require outside facilitation and resources to develop the will and capacity to support school district transformation. Without support from the Foundation, it is either unlikely to happen, or it will take a lot longer to occur.
State leaders must engage in a transformational dialogue culminating in developing legislation and institutional capacity to help school districts transform themselves.
4. Develop knowledge on the paradigm change process.
The paradigm change process is far more difficult and perilous than piecemeal reforms, and more knowledge is needed about how to help systems succeed in transforming themselves to the new paradigm.
More knowledge is needed about the design of digital technology to support the new paradigm.
Funding to advance knowledge about paradigm change will greatly enhance success in transformation efforts.
What goverments and foundations can do
Here are four education-paradigm change initiatives for the federal goverment to support with a phased approach. In addition, support for the design of teacher preparation and leadership programs will be helpful.